Applying for a Job? Don’t be Discouraged by the Number of Applicants!

Jan Tegze
5 min readOct 12, 2022
Photo by RODNAE Productions on Pexels

If you’re job-hunting, you might be discouraged when you see the number of applicants for each listing on LinkedIn. It’s easy to feel like you’re just a drop in the bucket and that your chances of being noticed are slim to none. But don’t let those numbers fool you — they’re not an accurate reflection of reality. The number of applicants shown on LinkedIn is often inaccurate and incomplete!

You should still apply for jobs even if the number on those job postings seems too good to be true. Here’s why…

Incomplete and Inaccurate Numbers

The first thing to keep in mind is that the number of applicants shown on LinkedIn is often inaccurate. Many recruiters have reported that the number is often lower than the actual number of applicants. Any recruiter will confirm that many candidates never finish their application, and even if they do, most of them might not even be qualified for that role.

Over the years, I’ve talked to many other recruiters about the industry. Based on those discussions, I estimate that between 20 and 25% of candidates who click the “Apply” button on LinkedIn never finish their registration.



Jan Tegze

Author of bestseller “Full Stack Recruiter”, #Recruiter, Dream Chaser, Creator of impossible, #BlackBerry fan (probably the only one).